T'Via i'Kayton t'Ishal

Rank: Arrain / Lieutenant Full (since 2425.01) 

Race: Rihannsu/Vulcan

Distinguishing Features

T’Via has long black hair, usually tied into a bun, She has dark eyes and classic Vulcan eyebrows, no Romulan ridges visible.


T’Via’s mother is Romulan and her father is Vulcan, she was raised on Vulcan. It seemed the logical decision to raise the child on Vulcan as her mother spent most of her time away anyway because of her career (unknowingly to T’Via in the Tal’Diann) and her father wanted T’Via to have Vulcan education.

T’Via’s mother died in the Romulan-Borg war when T’Via was 20 years old, this prompted the young woman to consider learning more about her Rihhinsu half. In 2418, after completing collage and a course at the DFA academy, T’Via decided to enrol in an exchange program and left the DFA Seraphim for the S’Task…


Father: Stellok

Mother: Mhai e'Terik t'Kayton [Presumed dead or assimilated] 

Husband: Taeron tr'Ishal

Children: Nalah, Lyras, N'Vek and Evoras.

Duty Station Record

Birthdate: 2388.11.21 (Vulcan)

Sexuality: Straight 

Physical Appearence

Eyes: Dark

Hair: Dark

Height: 1,65m [5'5"]

Weight: 50kg

=== OOC - Out of Character ===