Welcome to SES S'Task!
The SES S'Task is a d'Deridex-B Class Warbird serving the Romulan Empire and it was named after the student of Surak, the first leader of the Romulan race.
S'Task is the flagship of the 6th Swarm and its main duty is to patrol the Delta Quadrant while trying to hold diplomatic ties with their fairly new allies, the UFP and the Delta Freedom Alliance (DFA).
This is not always easy as disagreements between the Empire and both the UFP and DFA occur frequently.
Due to the current diplomatic relations, SES S'Task brings a new and thrilling atmosphere to the Star Trek RPG World.
SES S'Task (PBeM since 1999)
BL has prepared an amazing guide to help you create your first post!
Romulan info available on line!
Time to become a citizen of the Romulan Star Empire! Fun is about to start!
If we forgot to add any credit, please let us know. We want to do the right thing!
Borderlands is a great pbem enviroment that is divided on several Dutystations (DSs). Although you can choose a specific DS to play, like S'Task, from time to time BL helds thematic conferences where players across all BL's DSs can interact and know each other.
SES S'Task (since 1999)