Smoking ban in Las Vegas parks ramping up

Smoking has been a controversial topic in America. Not only is it one of the country’s leading causes of pulmonary illnesses, but it also endangers those who are non-smokers but are in the vicinity of the act due to secondhand smoke. Several local governments have already enacted laws banning smoking from public places while some are more lenient with the product. Among those states was Nevada, but that soon may change.

Many Las Vegas residents such as Stacey Tokunaga had complained about smokers in public parks, and it seemed that their cries had been heard. On December 4, a bill proposing a smoking ban on Las Vegas’ public parks was struck during a city council meeting. Introduced by city councilman Brian Knudsen, the bill makes it illegal to smoke on all public parks in the area. Other states that have banned smoking in public parks include Chicago, New York, San Diego, Dallas, and San Jose.

According to Stacy Tokunaga, it was not long ago since North Las Vegas passed a similar ordinance. The proposed bill expands other proposals and includes other tobacco products like electronic cigarettes and vaping on all parks, and not just specific ones. During the hearing, councilman Knudsen presented data shared by the Southern Nevada Health district showing the health risks of secondhand smoke. He also shared a survey showing 74% of respondents responding positively to the proposed smoking ban.

While the bill is being processed, Knudsen’s next goal is to gather district and community leaders to spread awareness and information on newer forms of smoking like vaping. While the councilman can rely on the support of locals such as Stacey Tokunaga in promoting the general health of people in Las Vegas’ public parks, he believes that the bill will be successful once passed.