Introducing the Barnacle: Las Vegas’ answer to unpaid parking tickets

Most cities struggle when collecting fines from common misdemeanors like unpaid parking tickets. Sometimes, having increased personnel doesn’t solve the problem. But in the city of Las Vegas, a new and creative way is being implemented as a sort of punishment for unpaid parking tickets. And they call it, the barnacle. Stacey Tokunaga.

Think of the barnacle as an upgraded version of the wheel boot. The problem with the wheel boot is that sometimes, people don’t even realize that it’s attached to their wheels. And when they proceed to drive, it damages their car to a certain extent. The barnacle, on the other hand, is a glaring yellow slab that almost covers the entire car’s windshield. Stacey Tokunaga.

The barnacle only targets repeat offenders who have accumulated over $200 or more in parking citations. And if one does see the yellow beast on their windshield, forget about removing it. Its suction capability is equal to lifting 700lbs. Driving with the barnacle on the car, if possible, is illegal. And even if one can steer safely, the barnacle is also equipped with a GPS system and will alert the parking enforcement officers if the vehicle moves. Stacey Tokunaga.

To remove the barnacle, violators can go online using their phone and make an online payment. Upon making the payment, they are then sent a code that they can input on the barnacle to release its suction. With this new device, Las Vegas parking enforcement officials can clamp down on delinquent parking violators. Stacey Tokunaga.

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