RS Coordinator


It was a dream come true when I had my first three-day training for Restorative Practices and classroom circles. Sitting in a circle, standing in a circle, it felt as familiar as around the campfire, or a birthday dinner with family all together, or even bonding in the parking lot after a staff meeting. There I was in the familiar circle, where it felt right. Only this time I was at school, at work, and it was so reassuring to have something REAL turn up where before things felt formal, or even phony. Being real and authentic was my cup of tea.

This was the one way I had my best experiences as a student, as a teacher and as an administrator: when I had authentic, vulnerable conversations, from the heart. It felt right to be working at a place where Restorative Practices was being offered as Professional Development, and in a place where it was valued. I have learned from a variety of Restorative Teachers, many still work in our district!

After about 6 years of time in circle, learning the restorative ways: I feel like I am a different person. I am a better listener, turn taker, and peacemaker. I try to live by these quotes:

Do WITH & Not To, Connection through Content, Connect to Correct, and the Circle is the Teacher.

Things go better when we slow things down, listen from the heart, speak from the heart, say just enough and respect the talking piece, being mindful to protect the source and share the wisdom. The relationships are the lubricant to keep the wheels turning, the kids learning and school working!

As a previous Spanish teacher, administrator for elementary, middle, high and alternative school settings, I try to use all of those experiences, looking back on things that now I see clearly were not done restoratively. I wonder how I can try to make things as right as possible moving forward?

Happy to model strategies, brainstorm, or respond to any issues of strain, repairing harm, circle keeping, or increasing engagement in the classroom or staff meetings to smooth. My favorite prompt: What's real?

Let me know how I can help.

Kaesa Enemark

Coordinator of Student And Family Engagement

Santa Rosa City Schools

707-890-3800 x 80412

Happy to help with all things MTSS, Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports, Restorative Practices, Exchange Students, Elementary Counseling or any general problem-solving.