Restorative Practices

"Our Community Pizza" art activity by 4th graders @ Santa Rosa Charter School for the Arts

This website was created as a resource for the community during these challenging times. Take your time to look through this page and come back to stay connected. We will be updating resources as they come. Feel free to connect with a specific Restorative Specialist based on your school too. Take care and stay safe!

-Allison Ho a.k.a "Miss Allison"
Restorative Specialist
Slater Middle School

About Us

The Restorative Bunch! December 2019.

At the core, Restorative Practices "is about building and restoring relationships", establishing safe and trusting relationships, connection and building community within schools.

There are currently 15 Restorative Specialists within the Santa Rosa City Schools (SRCS) district. We provide support for students, staff, and families. We facilitate community building circles, repairing harm circles, check-ins, and more.