About Us

Physics at UC San Diego

Other Physics Clubs in the Department

Undergraduate Women in Physics (UWiP)

Undergraduate Women in Physics is dedicated to promoting, encouraging, and supporting women in the field of physics. Club activities include the annual CUWiP conference, casual discussions with professors, study groups, and more!

Visit their website!

Email: uwip.ucsd@gmail.com

Instagram: @uwip.ucsd

Astronomy Club

Astronomy Club aims to promote interest in astronomy and astrophysics among undergraduates. This club focuses on the exploration of the universe and helps interested individuals make necessary connections. In person events include stargazing on and off campus!

Visit their website!

Email: astronomyucsd@gmail.com

Instagram: @ucsdastronomyclub

Facebook: UCSD Astronomy Club

Why We Love Physics!

Our members discuss why they got into physics and their experiences!

Andrew Paul (Senator)

"Physics" translates literally from Greek as "knowledge of nature". Today, an understanding of the natural world is essential not just to maintain our current standards of living, but to quench the intrinsic curiosity that humans have possessed ever since we reflected on the most basic of observations. Why does the sun shine? Why do objects float? How does lightning behave?

By constructing quantitative models of these phenomena, not only are we able to explain many of the observations we make in nature, but we are also able to probe our models to make predictions as to how the universe may behave. The interplay of experimentalists and theorists, exchanging observations with potential explanations, predictions with hard data, has led physics to be an incredibly broad field and highly interdisciplinary. On the experimental side, there is much interest in corroborating various predictions, and learning more about poorly-understood events from the subatomic to the intergalactic scales. Theorists too have their work cut out, with many of the existing models performing well within their domain, but contradicting each other.

My interest in physics began when I binged countless astronomy documentaries as a kid, with my interest in astronomy evolving into an interest in physics. From there, I pursued physics in high school, learning things outside the class that I found interesting and important, and competing in various contests. At this point, all of this has culminated in me being a physics (and math) double major here at UC San Diego, and eager to pursue research and academia.

Ultimately, what makes the discipline worth it for me is the ability to partake in understanding something larger than myself. And you. And just about all of us!

SPS National

Check out these videos created by SPS National and take a look at their YouTube Channel!

Demo Show: Fire and Pressure

Mr. Bryan Gaither, APSU Department of Physics, Engineering and Astronomy

Acoustics of Ping-Pong

Dr. Daniel Russell, Penn State University