
Instructions for Poster Presentations

All posters will be numbered, listed and grouped in accordance with the congress topics. Posters should be prepared in portrait format to a maximum size of 90 cm (width) x 150 cm (height). Do not mail your poster, nor send it by email to do organizing committee.

For those who want to print their poster in Brazil, there is a print shop at the Institute of Physics that will provide the service. The maximum size will be A0, whose dimensions are 84.1 x 118.9 cm. The cost of printing ranges from USD $16 to $ 25, depending on the quality of paper used in printing, and how much color there is.

Preparing your poster

I. Text on poster:

  • Use a clear typeface and, if possible, print using a good laser plotter.
  • The poster should be readable from a distance of 2-3 meters. This means that all lettering should be at least 8mm high, with a minimum font size of 24.

II. Graphs and diagrams:

  • Graphs and figures should be readable from a distance of 2-3 meters.
  • They should be drawn with a minimum line width of 1 mm.

III. Material of your poster:

  • Please do not prepare your poster on canvas but only on paper.


'Handouts', photocopies of either your individual poster unit or the whole presentation reduced to A4 format, are generally well appreciated by delegates. If you wish to distribute handouts, you should prepare them beforehand and bring them with you.


Assistance and material for mounting the posters will be available from set-up time at the poster desk in the poster area. Setting-up a poster generally takes at least 10 minutes. After de session, material that has not been taken down by the authors will be recycled.