Security Tips

In São Paulo, like any other metropolis, we recommend to the tourists to follow some security tips so they can have a calm and safe stay. Know some of them:

  • When you need information, look for an identified professional. On the streets, search for a civil guard or for the police.
  • Scan your traveling documents and send them by email to yourself.
  • Keep your belongings next to you, without losing sight of them; do not carry the wallet in the trousers’ back pocket.
  • Carry and utilize electronic equipment discreetly.
  • Separate your sources of cash in different places and do not handle high quantities of money in public.
  • To choose pubs and restaurants, prefer recommended places by professionals or experts.
  • When you use the taxi services, prefer registered companies.
  • If there is any problem, search for help in a Tourism Assistance Specialized Office (Deatur) or a similar place.

Emergency Phone Numbers:

  • Police: 190
  • Fire and Ambulance: 193
  • Tourist Police:
    • Av. São Luís 92, Centro: Tel. (11) 3214-0209
    • Rua São Bento 380, Centro : Tel. (11) 3107-5642