
Who can Apply

This School is for graduate students. Priority will be given to applicants currently enrolled in graduate programs (Masters/MSc and Doctoral/PhD courses), but senior undergraduate and young researchers (up to 5yr from phd) are also welcome. We encourage applications from students from different academic disciplines (natural, social and human sciences, engineering) provided their academic work and study is related to the themes of the school and related topics.

Application Information

APPLICATION DEADLINE: 24 March 2019 Friday 29th March 2019

About 100 applicants, 50 from Brazil and 50 from other countries will be selected to participate in the Advanced School. Participants will be selected based on the merit of their application information, the relevance of the academic work and studies related to the school themes, and disciplinary, gender and regional balance considerations.

The Advanced School will be conducted in English. Applicants therefore must be proficient or have a sound understanding of the English language in order to understand, communicate, and participate actively in the School activities.

Applications are now closed!

We recommend using your google account to make the application. It will allow you to attach the requested PDF documents. You will also receive a confirmation email that allows your to verify your application, and modify it until the deadline.

You can still register if you don't have a google account. However, you will have to send the requested documents by email. Moreover, you will not get a confirmation email, and you will not be able to modify your application.

Financial Support

A limited number of travel grants is available (for about 80% of the selected applicants). This will cover air-ticket, accommodation (which includes breakfast) and lunch at the University of Sao Paulo (during the week days). Participants will have to cover their own expenses at night and during the weekends.

If you need financial support, please indicate so in the application form. Please note that financial support is not restricted to applicants from lower income countries. In fact, our aim is to support the best students (based on CV, school records, etc.).

If you can cover your own travel costs, please let us know in the application form. Doing so may facilitate (but not guarantee) your participation.

Registration Fee

There are no fees to apply for the school, and about 80% of the selected participants will have financial support from FAPESP. However, the selected participants will be required to pay a registration fee of USD 100, until May 30th. This will cover the reception cocktail, the farewell dinner and the weekend trip. Details about the payment will be sent to the selected applicants.

If you anticipate that you will not have the resources for the registration fee, please select "extended support" when filling the registration form.


Participants will receive a certificate acknowledging their participation in the School, provided that they attend all sessions of the program.