
Download lectures from: http://ftp.lfa.if.usp.br/ftp/public/2019SPSAS/ (updated on 25-mar-2021)

Works on Air Pollution with focus on atmospheric chemistry, photochemical models, atmospheric aerosols, air quality and receptor models.

Works with physics applied to environmental issues, with focus on global climate change, Amazonian environment, chemistry and physics of aerosol particles, and urban air pollution. Has particular interest in the quantification of urban air pollution sources and long range transport of aerosol particles and its effects on ecosystems.

Works on atmospheric science, with focus on the life cycle of the atmospheric particles, especially how atmospheric particles influence the radiation budget, both directly through scattering of radiation and indirectly through their influence on the clouds and their effect on the radiation balance. Was one of the founding partners in major EU projects as EUCAARI and EUSAAR.

Works on atmospheric optics, photophoresis, development of innovative instrumentation for aerosol optics, radiative forcing by aerosols, energy and environment. Member of the Clean Air Committee of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and president of the Association for Aerosol Research.

Works on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics with focus on biogeochemical cycles and climate changes due to human activities and on gas/particle interactions, both via experimental and modeling studies. Focus on modeling of homogeneous and heterogeneous tropospheric chemistry and aerosol formation. Study of the human-driven changes in the oxidizing power of the atmosphere and the aerosol composition and their interactions with climate.

Works on Cloud dynamics and microphysics, Climate, Systems approach in cloud physics, Cloud aerosol interactions, Radiation transfer and remote sensing of the atmosphere, and Pattern recognition and computer vision

Works with Remote Sensing of aerosols and clouds, with focus on lidar, lidar raman, aerosols, air pollution and cloud-aerosol interactions. Coordinates the Latin American Lidar Network, part of the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Works with Geosciences and Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, with focus on convection, convective systems, now casting and cloud-aerosols interactions.

Works with aerosols and clouds, with focus on microphysical and spectral properties derived from in situ ground based and aircraft, laboratory, and satellite measurements. Develops new instrumentation and algorithms for laboratory and field measurements, and is also interested in the modeling of the radiative properties of aerosol and cloud particles, including the 3D properties of cloud fields and its effects on the radiative balance of the atmosphere.

Remer, Lorraine

Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology

A joint center of NASA Goddard and UMBC


Works with remote sensing of aerosol and the use of remote sensing data for the study of aerosols in climate processes, how aerosol particles affect clouds, aerosol transport and particulate air pollution. Has been a member of NASA’s MODIS, CloudSat/CALIPSO, NPP, Glory and Global Aerosol Climatology Project Science Teams, and contributed leadership to major field experiments.

Saldiva, Paulo Hilário Nascimento

School of Medicine

University of São Paulo


Works with Pathological Anatomy, Pulmonary Physiopathology, Respiratory Diseases and Environmental Health, Applied Ecology, Cities and Human Health, Humanities and Medical Anthropology. Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo

Works with aerosol and natural sciences, with focus on the physical characterization, process studies, and the climatology of atmospheric aerosols as well as on the development of new scientific instrumentation. Head of the World Calibration Centre for Aerosol Physics (WCCAP) of the WMO in the frame of the GAW programme and the European Center for Aerosol Calibration (ECAC) in the frame of the European infrastructure ACTRIS.

Roundtable Panelists