The Hollow exists in a dimension alternate to our own. Seen by many as a bizarre, frightening place, the Hollow is home to wandering spirits and many ghostly creatures. Spectrels are the dominant species in the Hollow, and it is their homeland. In order to travel to or from this dimension, special portals or other powers must be used.

Comprising of a single, main continent, the lands of the Hollow are surrounded by a thick, treacherous fog called “the Miasma”. Blanketing the oceans, the Miasma grows more and more dense farther away from the mainland. No spectrel who has traveled into the depths of this fog has ever returned.

In the Hollow, about 80% of each day is spent in the nighttime. The sun typically rises around 11 AM, and sets around 4 PM. Many spectrels choose to sleep during daylight hours due to being more used to the nighttime, but there is a great deal of variety in sleeping and activity hours among different subspecies and individual spectrels.

Numerous spectrels choose to live outside of the Hollow in other worlds, if they are raised there or find the means to travel to them. As a result, it's possible to find Spectrels in just about any other world or universe.

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