Kul Tiran Herbs

Siren’s Pollen

Price: 40 silver each

Description: Produced by Siren’s Sting, growing at the side of trees not far from water in Kul Tiras, it may cause lightheadedness if inhaled in large amounts. A common reagent for many potions.

Winter’s Kiss

Price: 40 silver each

Description: This beautiful white, purple-tinted flower grows in the icy mountains of Kul Tiras and is cold to the touch. A good present and enhancing reagent for your daily potions.

Star Moss

Price: 40 silver each

Description: The scent of the emotion-sensitive flower eases and calms the mind to bring you feelings of remembered joy.

For additional payment we can provide Starflower Incense, which helps to put wandering spirits to rest and pass beyond the mortal realm.

Sea Stalk

Price: 40 silver each

Description: The stalks of this shore plant stay alive for a long time, even after the flower is cut off. However if the flower dies, so does the stalk. In addition to that they are good for treating nausea and its stem is good for improving natural abilities.