Food & Drinks

Stillheart Lager

Unique -  16 bottles in stock

Price: 1 gold

Description: The bottle is made out of dark amber glass with the image of snow lily and the mountain carved at its surface. On the other side there is a label attached, written in both Common and Pandaren:

Stillheart Lager

Keep in cool place without reach of sunlight.

Not recommended to drink later than 3 days after opening the bottle.

The brew is produced in one of the smaller Kun-Lai villages by Stillheart Brewery and is known for its bitter and harsh - yet with a faint sweet undertone - taste among the denizens of Kun-Lai.

Important: The brew is sold ONLY to those who pass a moral test from Solstice Bazaar members

((A TRP3: Extended item is available for this product! The image is made in Heraldicon))

Glowing Spores

Unique - 5 bags in stock (~30 spores each)

Price: 1 gold for the bag

Description: Gathered from the sporebats of Zangarmarsh, this edible fungi is a hard blue candy that will leave sparkling spores on your tongue for ten minutes. A wonderful type of candy to show off to your friends! 

Exotic Coffee

Unique - 10 in stock 

Price: 30 silver

Description: Bottled coffee, extracted from unknown, exotic parts of the world -- it bears an earthly taste and it is meant to give a lot of energy! 

((A TRP3: Extended item is available for this product!))

Frog Venom

Unique - 10 in stock

Price: 25 silver

Description: Dark green bubbling liquid - traditional Troll drink - is said to be good at calming the nerves but might make the drinker vomit if they aren’t used to it. 

((A TRP3: Extended item is available for this product!))

Net of Eternally-Frozen Fish

Unique - 1 net (3 in stock)

Price: 3 gold

Description: A medium-sized net of fish that has been preserved in magical ice that does not melt from natural temperature differences. Very rare to see, but some Tuskarr devised well-guarded secrets to near-eternal preservation of their fish. 

Net contains approximately thirty to forty fish.