Common Herbs


Price: 50 copper each

Description: This well-known white-coloured flower is commonly used as a sedative and in healing potions. Due to its aroma, it can be used in appealing potions or as a garnish for a meal. When cultivated at home, it thrives in any type of soil but requires a lot of sunlight.


Price: 50 copper each

Description: Named due to the silver-coloured veins that travel through the base of the leaf, this herb possesses a variety of strengthening properties, enhancing the texture and power of other components used alongside it. If used as a spice for a meal, it gives the dish a spicy-sweet flavour akin to cloves.


Price: 1 silver each

Description: A classic beauty among flowers. These flowers can vary in size and shape and are usually in colours ranging from white to red. The flower can be used to make soups, jams, tea or even perfume.
Note: Comes in the following colours: Red, blue, white, black, yellow, pink, dark pink, light pink, burgundy, orange and lavender. 


Price: 1 silver each

Description: These fragrant flowers come in a wide range of colours including whites, yellows, oranges, pinks, reds and purples. Given that they only bloom in the summer, they can be quite difficult to obtain. The flower can be used in cooking, adding a bitter taste.


Price: 1 silver each

Description: These beautiful flowers can vary in colour, from a light pink to a crimson red. The petals are known to be helpful for concentration and amplifying magical abilities if consumed. They also possess a flavour akin to chocolate for your future dishes!


Price: 1 silver each

Description: These thorny vines are hard to gather and cannot be used as a garnish. However, if milled, this herb greatly increases the properties of the potion when added.