
Disclaimer: The listed enchants are provided in scrolls, which can be put at any item in your possession

Enchantment: Minor Illusion

Unique - 5 in stock
Price - 50 silver

Description: Allow any small object to take the form of another small object. 

Enchantment: Infusion

Unique - 5 in stock
Price - 50 silver

Description: Infuse a weapon with any type of magic, allowing it to deal that kind of damage.

Note: Fel, Necromantic/Soul and Void magic are not available.

Enchantment: Detection

Unique - 5 in stock
Price - 50 silver

Description: Detect the aura of others around you with ease. 

Enchantment: Absorption

Unique - 5 in stock
Price - 50 silver

Description: Allows a piece of armour or a shield to absorb any type of magic into it. 

Enchantment: Arcane Bubble

Unique - 5 in stock
Price - 50 silver

Description: Allow an object of any form to create an arcane shield within a 15ft/4.5M radius. 

Enchantment: Glow

Unique - 5 in stock
Price - 50 silver

Description: Creates a glow for an object which activates when the user commands it. 

Enchantment: Obscurity

Unique - 5 in stock
Price - 50 silver

Description: An enchantment meant to disguise objects and hide them from sight. Moving the object will dissipate the effect. Multiple enchanted objects will reduce the disguise. The effect lasts for one month. 

((A TRP3: Extended item is available for this product!))

Enchantment: Simplified Radical

Unique - 5 in stock
Price - 50 silver

Description: A light enchantment, meant to allow objects to be passed through thin walls and surfaces if enough pressure is applied. The effect lasts for one month.

((A TRP3: Extended item is available for this product!))