
Engineer & Technology Scientist

Greetings! I am Fenji of the Meridian Edict, an engineer specialising in the implementation and integration of Arcane magic with technology, and a scientist currently researching the reverse-engineering of Titan technology. I am also working on assistive technology for anyone in need of such!

Do you have an idea for an invention you would like me to make? An idea, invention or theory in need of further review? A device you would like me to reverse-engineer for you? Then please consult me when you see me at the premises of the Solstice Bazaar, or send me a letter and I will answer it as soon as I can!

Additional Services:
Peer reviewing practical & theoretical engineering, custom engineering crafts, reverse-engineering devices, assistive technology.

Special inventions will be available soon!

Profile portrait by @LuckyGriffin