EDGE 2019/2022

During the month of June in 2019, I was blessed with the opportunity to form part of the EDGE 19 cohort which allowed me to solidify my mathematical foundation, before starting graduate school, while also broadening my professional and personal network.

During the month of July in 2022, I was again blessed with the opportunity to give back to the EDGE program in the form of a mentor for the EDGE 22 cohort.

For more information about the EDGE foundation check out their main webpage.

The Program

The central goal of the EDGE summer program is to strengthen the ability of women and minority students to successfully complete graduate programs in the mathematical sciences, and this is exactly what it did for me. For the first two weeks of the program, I was to attend real analysis and linear algebra lecture, taught by Dr. Candice Price and Dr. Alison Marr, respectively, and for the latter two weeks lectures covered measure theory and numerical linear algebra, taught by Dr. Lily Silverstein and Dr. Erica Graham. As lectures were in the morning, afternoons were spend in either a problem session, a colloquium talk, or a Matlab mini-course, taught by Dr. Kimberly Ayers.

The Math

After a month of learning material and working problems the EDGE 2019 cohort wrote the book recording all lecture notes taken and problems solved.

In addition to this we were to give a presentation related to material we had learned in the program. Below you find the slides from my presentation.


EDGE 2019 Book


EDGE Presentation

The People

Besides all the math we did, the program incorporates several social events (pictured below), which allowed for strong bonds to be formed.

EDGE 2022

EDGE 2019