The Basics

Who am I?

I am a daughter of a Spanish immigrant father and first generation Spanish-Panamanian mother, so I consider Spanish and English my native tongue.

Where I have been?

I spend the first 21 years of my life in Southern California. I attended public schools in Riverside and San Bernardino County and completed my undergraduate degree at the University of California, Riverside.

Where am I?

I am now living in West Lafayette, Indiana while I complete my doctoral degree in mathematics at Purdue University.

Read About Me

I recently contributed a propose to Dr. Pamela Harris and Dr. Aris Winger's latest book on my journey (to date) through the mathematics community and how it advocacy has played a role in it. I have been told that this piece conveys well who and who I am as a person so I have decided to include it on this page. You can read it here.