My Grad Life

My Research

For my advanced topics oral exam, which I took and passed on March 8th, 2022 (International Women's Day),  I read and prepared a talk on "The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces" by J.P. May.

Below you can find the materials I used and crafted to prepare: 

Now I am interested in exploring the world of equivariant homotopy theory and you read more about my journey there under the "My Research" Tab. 

I do not recommending picking up May's text and reading it as a textbook as I found that it requires too much background knowledge, but below you can find some resources to get some of that background knowledge and intuition: 

Other documents about related to my  research can found on the My Research page.

My Talks

Below are some slides of talks I have given. Not all of them are directly related to my current research: 

Graduate Student Mentoring Award

My Involvement 

I have held many roles in and out of the Purdue Math department. 

Listed below are several: 

My Course Load

Below is some of my course work, and correcting my mistakes is a work in progress. There are also some solutions to problems I used to study from for exams and quals. 

I have also included some class notes as well.

My Teaching

Below are some materials form courses I have TA-ed at Purdue University:

MA 262

My People

Studying math can get kind of lonely so finding community in grad school is super important! 

Here is what my community looks like!