The Basics

A few concessions...

Co-op does exist in the vanilla experience, but it is admittedly somewhat limited. To improve it requires downloading some basic mods. However, there are some things that cannot be changed (at least at the time this was written):

  • Income, credits, salvage, and upgrades cannot be separated to the individual.

  • Overall structure of the story mode remains largely unchanged.

  • Some basic exploits still exist. Recommended solutions will be covered later.

"From this day, the Dragoons are at war with you and your House, Takashi Kurita!
If you think you can take us, go ahead and try.
We'll see you in ruins. Watch your border!" - Colonel Jaime Wolf, Wolf's Dragoons

What this project aims to accomplish:

  • Expand and improve MW5's Cooperative experience to feel more immersive and rewarding.

  • Improve fluff text, menu tooltips, and user interface to be easier to understand and use.

  • To bring closer to parity the experience for both host and players in terms of character development.

  • Give joining players better access to menu options (Star Map, Barracks, etc.) so they can see what the host sees (requires Host's permission).

  • Develop a basic system of "player currency" that can be traded for specific services in-game (ie. purchases and upgrades for the individual player).

  • Add basic rules for a barter system between players.

  • Increase diversity in missions with new parameters and secondary objectives.

  • Present new challenges for players to test their skill both in combat and managing a mercenary company.
    NOTE: Please remember that some of these goals may still be in development.

Read more about the details in Campaign Rules or click "Return" to view other information.