
The Nexus Mod Database

The Nexus is arguably the best modding community website available. They host over 250,000 files for over 1,000 games from over 100,000 authors serving over 23 MILLION members with over FOUR BILLION downloads to date. They support modding for all PC games. If you can mod it, they can host it.

Click the Nexus logo to the left to navigate to their site or read below to learn about required and recommended mods for this game.

Core Recommended Mods

A Little Love For Some Bugs

Fixes broken hardpoints or adjusts existing ones on the "bug" mechs to make them actually kind of useful. Standard loadouts remain unchanged.

Drop Cost Per Mech

Drop cost based on how heavy a force you deploy; gives you more incentive to take lighter mechs when possible.

Ability Refocus

Shifts abilities to progress from least specialized to most specialized in a way that makes sense; also allows for more mobile tactics.

Flashpoint Enabler

Allows unfinished flashpoints to be repeatable after a long cooldown period.

Battletech Save Editor

Allows you to edit your savedata files and helps to fix saves that are broken or won't load properly. Also great for creating special scenarios or loadouts.

Guns of Kerensky: BT Edition

A future-proof weapon overhaul that improves the vanilla weapon stats and brings them closer to Classic BattleTech values.


Fixes some minor issues with fluff text and unit hardpoints to match canon (that for some reason have not been officially patched yet).

Jack's View Distance Increase

Increases view distance based on Tactics skill.

Overhaul Mods

REGARDING OVERHAUL MODS: Generally speaking, overhaul mods change a lot of the core mechanics to the vanilla Battletech experience. These are a great way to keep the game feeling fresh after the vanilla experience starts to get dull. While some mods listed above may work okay alongside these, others may not depending on what they change and their load order. Always check associated descriptions and discussion threads for details regarding possible compatibility issues if you intend to use additional mods. You may also have luck asking for help (nicely) on their respective Discord channels. See mod web-pages for details. Results may vary.

BE3025:CE significantly expands on vanilla gameplay while faithfully replicating some mechanics of Classic Battletech in the 3025 era. Probably the "purest" overhaul with the most polish, it enhances immersion without departing too far from the original game.

RogueTech is distinctive in that it takes an "everything-and-the-kitchen-sink" approach to design. By far the largest of these overhaul mods, RT adds EVERYTHING from Battletech (for better or worse; you decide) and pairs that with a webpage-based dynamic war map where players can fight for map dominance.

Battletech Revised takes many of the gameplay improvements of BE3025:CE while replicating some aspects of the factional warfare from RogueTech. If you felt RogueTech adds "too much", but you want your actions to still have some impact on a dynamic map, this is your best option.