Soviet Union Commanders

Recommended Commanders For New Players

Airborne Troop

Employ VDV airborne tactics to supply infantry, infiltrate elite guard troops, establish forward positions, and call in devastating air support. Has very strong support capabilities and Airborne Guards can be deploy from any ambient buildings on the map.

CP1 - Weapon Crate Drop
CP2 - DShK HMG Paradrop
CP2 - Airborne Rally Points
CP3 - Airborne Guards Troops
CP10 - IL-2 Anti-Tank Rocket Run

Guard Motor Coordination

Guard Armies were issued better weapons like the improved
T-34/85 with its more potent gun and heavy 120mm mortar. Improved training and knowledge allows crews to repair their own vehicles. Very strong armor and infantry.

CP0 - T-34/85 Medium Tank
CP2 - Guards Rifle Infantry
CP2 - HM-38 120mm Mortar Sqd
CP7 - Vehicle Crew Repairs
CP8 - Mark Target

Guard Rifle Combined Arms

Guard Armies were underpinned by versatile infantry. Providing short-range SMGs to conscripts boosts infantry combat capabilities while IL-2 aircraft, KV-1 heavy tanks, and 152mm howitzers pulverize a variety of enemies. Very well rounded.

CP0 - KV-1 Heavy Tank
CP2 - Guards Rifle Infantry
CP2 - Conscript Assault Package
CP8 - ML-20 152mm Howitzer
CP12 - IL-2 Sturmovik Attacks

Soviet Combined Arms

Soviet Armies promoted a doctrine of supporting combat arms - elite infantry, air corps reconnaissance and bombing, and divisional artillery created versatile forces. Similar to Guard Rifle CA, but more defensive and with stronger air support.

CP2 - A-T Gun Ambush Tactics
CP2 - Guards Rifle Infantry
CP4 - Recon Overflight
CP8 - ML-20 152mm Howitzer
CP12 - IL-2 Precision Bombing

Soviet Abilities

Soviet Abilities