Standing Rigging

Stainless steel Wire Rope - cracks and corrosion failure

Only solution is to replace the entire wire rope.

Inspect your standing rigging on a regular basis.

hidden failure modes of critical hardware keeping your mast upright

In many cases, several failures may be present but not conveniently observable. You may have to disassemble hardware or even take down the mast to fully inspect everything.

If a failure is found as shown in the pictures, only solution is to replace the hardware.

San Juan 24 - stainless steel wire rope - Standing Rigging measurements (Best Available List)

This list is for reference only! Only the boat owner is responsible for the appropriate selection, exact cut lengths and sizes required on your boat. Use at your own risk.

Carefully measure the wire ropes on your boat as considerable size and length differences may exist depending on your boat configuration.

If your boom, mast, turnbuckles, chain plates or any other standing rigging have been replaced, you must measure your own equipment to insure an exact fit. Most boats have been refitted several times with new hardware and significant differences in measurements have been encountered.