I'm Siddhartha, currently, a Postdoctoral researcher at The Applied Mathematics and Physics Department, Kyoto University, Japan. I'm working with the Control Systems Theory Group led by Prof. Kenji Kashima.
I recently completed my Ph.D. from The Centre for Systems & Control Engineering (SysCon), IIT Bombay. I had the privilege of being supervised by Prof. Debasish Chatterjee and Prof. Ravi N. Banavar.
See Research for more details about my previous and current work.
Contact details:
Electronic: ganguly.siddhartha.7p@kyoto-u.ac.jp, sganguly@iitb.ac.in.
Coordinates: Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Graduate School of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering Integrated Research Bldg, 4th floor, Yoshida Main Campus, Room 413.
Kyoto University, Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN.
I'm broadly interested in the mathematical theory of control and dynamical systems. My current research focus is on:
Optimal transport; specially discrete optimal transport and the numerical methods associated with such problems.
Density transporation/steering of nosiy parabolic PDEs.
Interplay between bilevel and minmax optimization and their applications in machine learning and control.
Previosuly, I have worked on:
Optimal control (see the excellent introductory articles -- OptCon1, OptCon2); more specifically computational/numerical optimal control
Approximation theory (a nice introductory text -- CheLig:AppTheo) and its applications to optimization and control problems
Model predictive control (a nice introductory text -- GruPan:MPC); more specifically robust, stochastic, and distributionally robust MPC algorithms with emphasis on explicit and fast implementation
Probability and learning theory (see Francis Bach's notes on learning theory) and their application to control problems
Optimization algorithms, their applications in the area of machine learning and control theory, and numerical software development.
News and activities:
Our article titled Explicit Feedback Synthesis Driven by Quasi-Interpolation for Nonlinear Robust Model Predictive Control has been aceepted in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Submitted an article to L4DC 2025 titled: Formation Shape Control using the Gromov-Wasserstein Metric with Haruto Nakashima, Kohei Morimoto and Kenji Kashima.
Our article titled Exact solutions to minmax optimal control problems for constrained linear systems was accpeted in the IEEE Control Systems Letters (IEEE LCSS).
Our article titled Discrete-time Pontryagin maximum principle under rate constraints: necessary conditions for optimality with Souvik Das, Debasish Chatterjee, and Ravi Banavar was accpeted in the Asian Journal of Control.
Our article titled Data-driven distributionally robust MPC via semi-infinite semidefinite programming: an application to finance, with Souvik Das, Ashwin Aravind, and Debasish Chatterjee was accepted in MTNS (mathematical theory of networks and systems); Souvik presented it at Cambridge, UK in August, 2024.
The version 2 of QuITO --- QuITO v.2 is now out; see the Software information page, and the GitHub Repo. It is more optimized, faster, solves a wide range of problems (especially singular optimal control problems), comes with an automatic change point localizationa and mesh refinement module and a GuI. Give it a try! The associated article that documents the theoretical developements can be found here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.13681v3.
Presented our article Towards continuous-time MPC: a novel trajectory optimization algorithm at the IEEE CDC23, Singapore.
Our article QuITO: Numerical software for constrained nonlinear optimal control problems was accepted in SoftwareX.
Gave a talk on robust explicit model preditve control for low- through moderate-dimensional linear systems in Students' workshop SysCon Workshop for Graduate Students, 15-16 September 2023, IIT Bombay.
10 Jul 2023: Organized an invited session on computationally tractable constrained control synthesis with Souvik Das and Debasish Chatterjee at IFAC world congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan.
Presented our article An illustration of a quasi-interpolation driven technique for feedback synthesis at the IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 2023.
Gave a talk on approximate constrained trajectory synthesis via quasi-interpolation, IIT Gandhinagar, India, March 30, 2023.
28 Apr 2023: Patent number 430622 corresponding to application 202221040362 on Method and trajectory management controller for constrained trajectory optimization granted.
Give our new solver QuITO (comes with a Graphical User Interface) a try to solve your optimal control problems directly.
Workshop on Innovations in Nonlinear Control, details can be found on the workshop website.
Gave a talk on constrained optimal control and approximation theory, organized by Control and Dynamical System Reading Group, IIT Bombay, India, January 31, 2022.
Nakul presented our paper constrained trajectory synthesis via quasi-interpoaltion at IEEE CDC, Cancun, Mexico, 2022.
Discrete-time rate constrained maximum principle, IFAC conference on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control (LHMNC), Berlin, Germany, 2021.
Lecture series on brain-inspired robotics by Hiroaki Wagatsuma, Nov 24 to Dec 2, 2021.
Seminars and talks on the broad area of systems and control: SysConTalks.
Received the Prime Minister's Research Fellows (PMRF) scholarship.