SICE SI 若手の会

Manipulation Young Researchers Group

Welcome to 若手の会, Future Leaders !

What's the 'SICE-SI  Wakate no Kai (若手の会)' ?

We provide a networking platform for young researchers, engineers, and students engaged in the research topics of 'Robotics' and 'Manipulation,' in Japan. Our activities include hosting technical events and facilitating free communication through SNS (Slack). 

For the year 2023, we plan to strengthen our initiatives and organize in-person interactions among members! If you are interested in participating, please sign up through the following Google Form link (in Japanese)!

* If you are a university professor guiding students in doctoral programs or considering doctoral studies, we would greatly appreciate any introductions you can provide



2022.09.06 日本ロボット学会学術講演会にて本会を宣伝しました!


2022.07.15 実装チャレンジ報告会を開催しました!