Photo Editing Assignments

Use the guides and videos below to help you complete your photo editing assignments. You will learn how to enhance photos and correct issues that you see in the majority of images you take.

To turn in: Create a folder named Last name + Photo Editing. You will save all of your assignments here. Use the checklist to ensure that you have all the files you are suppose to have. As you complete an assignment, make sure you are checking it off your list. This checklist needs to be included in your folder when you finish. It will also need to be printed and submitted into the assignment basket after you have it completed.

Use the checklist to ensure that you have all the files you are suppose to have. As you complete an assignment, make sure you are checking it off your list. This checklist needs to be included in your folder and printed to submit into the assignment basket.

Combine Images & Watermark

Use the guide How to Combine Images to create a panoramic image (see image to the right). You will use the images provided and follow the guide. After you have completed this, read the How to Add a Watermark and add your own watermark to your Panoramic. Name this file Lastname + Panoramic.jpeg and save to your Photo Editing folder.

You will be using the following:

  • Photomerge
  • Opacity​

Repairing and Retouching

All these images need to be saved into your Photo Editing Folder and be turned in at the end of the unit.

You will be using the following tools:

  • Spot Healing Brush Tool
  • Healing Brush Tool
  • Dodge Tool
  • Burn Tool

File Needed:

The Girl

Use the tutorial video or the How to Fix Images file to help you.

The Baby

The baby has red eyes that you will need to fix.

We will be using the following tools:

  • Red Eye Tool
  • ​Dodge Tool
  • Burn Tool​

File Needed:

The Kitchen and The Archway

You will be using the following:

  • Brightness/Contrast Adjustment
  • Curves Adjustment



In the How to Correct Color, it will show you how to use the Adjustment Panel to create color and black and white versions of an image. You will need to go online and find a high resolution image to covert to black and white.


File Needed:


You will be using the following tools:

  • Color Correction
  • Brightness/Contrast Adjustment
  • Curves Adjustment



Old Time Photos

All sorts of nasty things can happen to precious old photographs—or precious new photographs, to be fair. The scanned image you'll use in this project is challenging, to put it mildly, because of a large crease in the original print and other flaws. But if you think this is a hopeless case, that’s where you’d be wrong.

With Photoshop tools and features, you have the power to restore this picture to a convincing simulation of its original condition. Granted, there’s no magic pill that fixes this kind of damage in one or two keystrokes, but its’ not beyond your skill level.

You will be using the following tools:

  • Clone Stamp Tool
  • Dodge Tool
  • Dust and Scratches Filter

Fixing Exposure

All these images need to be saved into your Photo Editing Folder and be turned in at the end of the unit.



Files Needed:


A slightly underexposed photograph looks a little dingy and dull. In this project, you'll learn a quick easy way to fix underexposed images.

You will be using the following:

  • Blending Modes
  • Quick Selection
  • Opacity

Tree and Sky

Whether or not you make color and lighting adjustments directly or use adjustment layers, it doesn’t always work to apply those changes to the entire image. Some pictures have combinations of problems that demand individual and separate attention.

You'll intensify the over-bright tree branches and sky, and then draw out the details and colors for the shadowed pillar and wall.



Move, Eraser, & Select

All these images need to be saved into your Photo editing Folder to be turned in at the end of the unit.


You will fix the road so it doesn't have any pot holes or grates and then move Big Ben over to the left like they did in the tutorial. Then you will need to create a color pop version of the image with only the RED left in the image. Use the tutorial video to help you edit this image.

File Needed:

You will be using the following:

  • Patch Tool
  • Content Aware Move Tool
  • Color Range Selection
  • Black and White Adjustment



Tree Branches

Next you will work with editing using the erasers. Start with the stripes to get practice on using the background eraser tool. Then you will move on the the Tree branches completely removing the sky from the image.

You will be using the following:

  • Background Eraser Tool
  • Magic Eraser Tool




Now you will be adjusting the Butterfly and the Lighthouse images. For this editing activity, you will use the How to Use Selection Tools guide and/or the video below to help guide you. After you finish the Butterfly, work on the Lighthouse. Save the lighthouse file as the 3 different versions that you will create based on the guide.

**In the video the button says Refine the new version of Photoshop, it is now called Select and Mask

You will be using the following tools:

  • Lasso or Magnetic Lasso Tool
  • Refine Edges Selection
  • Vector Mask
  • Ellipse Path Tool
  • Color Fill

Files Needed:

Save the Butterfly with background removed.



Cropping/Resizing & Selection

Use the How to Resize Crop link to adjust the 3 flower images.

  • Crop 3 Images.
  • Use the straighten tool found in Crop to rotate all 3 images in some way.
  • Adjust the size resolution of Flower 1 and crop the image to center on the subject more closely.
  • Change Flower 2 image to an increased size
  • Change Flower 3 to a decreased size.

​All these images need to be saved into your Photo Editing folder to be turned in at the end of the unit.


Watercolor Golden Gate Bridge

Last, you will be working with how to add layer filters to an image to create a piece of art. Using the Video Tutorial and Directions below or this Tutorial Link. You will edit the Golden Gate Bridge image and the paper texture image to create a watercolor piece of art.

​​All these images need to be saved into your Photo editing Folder to be turned in at the end of the unit. Now that your folder is complete, turn this in.

You will be using the following tools:

  • Dry Brush Filter
  • Cut Out Filter
  • Smart Blur Filter
  • Find Edge Filter
  • Adjusting Blending Modes
  • Installing Brushes


  1. Right click on image and select Convert to Smart Object
  2. Filter Gallery> Artistic> Dry Brush: 10 Brush Size, 10 Brush Detail, 1 Texture
  3. Filter Gallery> Artistic>Cutout: 5 Number of Level, 4 Edge Simplicity, 1 Edge Fidelity, Screen Mode Pin light
  4. Blur>Smart Blur: 5 Radius, 100 Threshold, Quality High, Screen Mode Screen, Opacity 50%
  5. Stylize> Find Edges: Screen Mode Multiply
  6. Add Ivory Paper on Top: Multiply Mode Blending
  7. Image Layer: Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All
  8. Install Watercolor Brush: Tool> Down Arrow > Gear > Preset Manager > Brushes > Load
  9. Watercolor Brushes, Foreground color set to White

Once you have finished, you will then find your own high resolution image to use the same technique on.

