AdvComp Calendar

**New late work policy**

All assignment online dropboxes will close at the end of the week Friday @8pm. The dropboxes are setup to have a two-day late submission collection period. This starts this week 3/23-3/27. This will assure that we are starting the new week together at the same point within the assignments and also allow us to get into a groove this week with the new platform.

Please notify me if you are having technical difficulties or if you're struggling with the pacing.

Please try to make the daily agenda deadlines. This will help limit your stress and manage your time. These firm weekly deadlines are designed to allow those sharing devices, working, taking care of family some daily wiggle room. However, by the end of week we all need to be at the same point. This will ensure that we are starting the next week together and on the same page.

Thank you for your support as we move through these uncharted waters. Please don't forget to share this site with your parents/guardians so they know what you're working on.

Daily Agenda

Hours of Availability