
The techniques and knowledge to create interesting, effective animations can be used in a very wide variety of workplace settings. You could make attention-grabbing advertisements, interactive games, or impressive flash websites. We will be learning basic 2-D animation techniques, leading up to the possibility of exploring 3-D animation in the more advanced levels of Digital Media. Making objects and text move in order to catch the eye is a skill that not everyone has, so it can be highly marketable and profitable when properly applied in the real-world.

The software we will be using to create animations is Adobe Animate. It is a program that is highly capable and versatile and is a leading competitor for 2-D animation. Flash uses a timeline-based interface that can incorporate both frame-based and vector animation techniques. It can also utilize ActionScript coding to create interactive features like buttons and controls. It is rather expensive, especially for the amateur animator.

Check out these cool animated videos that demonstrate the capabilities of Adobe Animate. They are exciting and fun to watch, and were made completely using Animate. See if you can identify the software interface that appears throughout each video.

Other Animation Examples




Adobe Aniamte is a very high-powered software that can be used to create a wide variety of animations for any type of client. Throughout the semester, we will be only learning a small portion of what this program is able to do. If you would like to explore its capabilities more in-depth, use the resource websites on the left to discover many more useful tools and features of Animate.

Free Software

Adobe Animate is an awesome program that is capable of creating many different types of animations. However, it is rather expensive. Use the links below to find a few animation software that are free to download and use. They are not quite as powerful as Animate, but they will get the job done in most cases. I have not used any of these software extensively, so use the resources on each individual website to figure out its tools and features.