Course reading assessment (15 marks)


This assessment is designed to evaluate your understanding of course readings.  Please be sure to read each required reading carefully.  You have three choices for fulfilling this assignment.  

Choice 1

Complete a reflective response of one of the course readings/videos for each week (10 responses total, as weeks 1, 12, and 13, there are no course readings). These will be handed in as one document at the end of Week 13.  Each response should be between 150 and 200 words and should include: 1-2 sentences that explain what the reading is about, 1-2 sentences that explain how it applies to your social context. You must include a bibliography (in APA format) of all the readings that you chose. Due Friday before midnight in Week 13.

Choice 1 Assessment

Choice 2: 


Choice 2 is a final exam that is a combination of short answer, multiple choice, and fill in the blank options.  The final exam will take place during the final exam period and must be completed in person at the scheduled time/place.

Choice 3: 


If you aren't sure which is a stronger form of assessment for you, you are welcome to do both (you must meet the deadlines for both!).  The higher grade will be recorded!

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