Trip to Mogo

Here's a slideshow of our Bus trip

to Mogo in May 2021...

We joined the bus at Oak Flats train station and headed off at 8am for Mogo. Morning tea was at windy Ulladulla with some lovely cakes and slices provided by members - thank you! We got to the zoo about 11.30am and were given our coffee and cake vouchers and then we headed off to see the animals.

Lunch was at 12.30pm with a variety of sandwiches and a nice sit down and chat before venturing off to see the remainder of the site.

There were lots of animals to see and it was a great day to wander in the sunshine.

We left about 3pm and had a brief stop in the main street of Mogo to check out the shops and then home. We arrived back at Oak Flats just on dark and 5.30pm and all headed off home. A big vote of thanks to the trip co-ordinator Di Phillips and her band of helpers. A great day was had by all.
