Search rules

Quick Search Bar

The quick search bar searches through the filtered list according to which filter buttons are selected.

So for example in the Fabrics screen, selecting only the "My Stash" button, then using the search bar, will search thru the current stash only.  It searches multiple fields (see below) for the words entered in the search bar.

The quick search bar identifies words as being separated by spaces (not commas). So multiple words may be entered in one search simply by using a space between them. 

Then the app searches fields and returns those that contain one of the words. It is case insensitive. It uses "OR" logic so will return a wide range of items that contain your search text.

For example in the Fabrics screen search bar,  entering  : "wool tweed Cashmere" : will return all fabrics which are wool or tweed or cashmere or Cashmere. 

Entering : "wo Co on" : would find for example, wool, Wollen, cotton,  rayon, Nylon

The fields searched by the quick search bar are as follows:

On Fabrics screen :- name,  length,  width,  fabric type,  company, date purchased, colour, tags. 

On Patterns screen :- name,  number,  fabric type,  company,  garment, date purchased, tags.

On Projects/Ideas screen :- name,  size,  pattern company,  fabric name,  fabric type,  garment,  date completed, tags.

On Notions screens:- item name, tags

Just play with it and you'll see how it works !

As of v5.1, there is a toggle for using the search bar to search through just the tags alone. Other fields are ignored. I added this because, properly used, tags are incredibily powerful for organising stuff, and having quick access to searching through them seems like a good idea! It has been possible in previous versions to use Custom Searches (see below) to search tags, but now it's just a bit easier to do!

Custom Search

The custom search sheet allows much more detailed control of a search.

 It uses a mixture of "OR" &  "AND" logic which is hopefully intuitive.

For example, searching for fabric type of "wool" with company name "Jones" with "length > 2" will only return wool bought from Jones more than 2 units in length

Searching for fabric types of "wool" & "cotton" with company names "Jones" & "Smith" and "length > 2" will return either wool or cotton,  sold by either Jones or Smith, longer than 2 in length.

Again, just play with it to see how it works!

Custom Searches can be saved for future re-use.  Simply complete a unique name for the search. It will be saved automatically when the search is carried out.  If the unique name is left empty, the search criteria will not be saved.