Latest Features

Better Support for Quilters (v5.7)

Following user feedback from quilters - when entering fabrics, the "length" field can be selected as "yd", "m",  or "ea". 
"ea" me each, for the number of things like JellyRolls/FatQuarters etc.

Patterns now include a price field.

Threads now include a field for number of spools, as well as price/spool.

There is a new "Reports" page, found in Web & Info.  This shows the total value/counts of Fabrics, Patterns and Threads, which some may find helpful. Others may rather not know !

New in Settings is the facility to force the App to run in dark mode, overiding the system setting. My wife prefers the app in dark mode, but likes her iPad to be in light mode for other apps, and complained about having to keep visiting iOS settings to swap to and fro!

Copy/Paste Fabric Details (v5.6)

I have added the facility to copy/paste fabric data. 

When entering a new fabric, the saved fabric data is automatically copied ready for reuse, if for example you have bought a large batch of similar materials, it will speed up data entry. The pasted data can of course be amended manually before saving.

In addition, in the fabric detail screen, it is also now possible to save that fabric data for reuse in a new fabric. Say if for example you have previously bought a fabric and then later buy a similar fabric again.
I decided not to copy ALL the data because colour, tags, photos, notes, washed/used status are not likely to be the same. The remaining data is copied and can be pasted to speed up data entry.

Improved Mood Board for Ideas (v5.5)

Updated Mood Board (for large screen devices only).
The new Mood Board now includes images of Notions and Threads, along with those for Fabrics/Patterns/Projects.
For your existing Mood Boards, you will have to use "Reset Board to Default" in order for the new images to appear.

Choose Image Shapes (v5.2)

New in v5.2 is the option in Settings to choose whether thumbnail images are displayed as circles or squares. Just personal taste, following a user request.

Otherwise, it's a few minor usability improvements and bug fixes. Handling of orientation changes on large phones is improved. Creating new Fabrics and Patterns can now be accessed directly from their respective pickers when creating new Ideas & Projects.

Link then view, print or share .pdf files for patterns. (v5.1)

New in v5.1, when creating or editing patterns you can create a link to your stored .pdf pattern files. When viewing your pattern details, tap on the .pdf link to view, share or print the file.

Bear in mind that if you move or delete the original file, SewHelpMe will no longer be able to find it. SewHelpMe does NOT store the original .pdf file, only a link to that file. Rest assured that deleting the link does NOT delete the file itself! Multiple file selection is allowed.

If you are using multiple devices, and want the links to work across them all, then make sure your .pdf files are stored in iCloud Drive. Links to files stored locally on a device, will only work on that device. Other devices wont be able to access the links.

Just a note for those of you using iOS Books for .pdf pattern file storage and viewing. Unfortunately, although Books files can be stored on iCloud Drive, the relevant Books folder is made inaccessible by iOS. The only way round this is to export your files from Books to a normal iCloud Drive folder. Then you can link the files into SewHelpMe.

Upgraded Search Bar

The Search Bar has been upgraded with a toggle, to allow you to search using only the tags field of Fabrics, Patterns, Ideas, Projects and Notions. When set, other fields are ignored in the search. Tags are a very powerful way of organising stuff, and totally under user control. So it seems like a good idea to make it easier to search using them!

Previously it has been possible to use a custom search to search just tags, but now it's a lot simpler!

Notions merged with Shopping List
(now with photos)

As of v 5.1, you can store a photo of your notions. These images can be enlarged by a simple tap. This way you can check out that you're choosing the right notion to go with your pattern quickly and easily.

The Shopping List feature from the v4 app has been overhauled and improved. It is now renamed as "Notions". Exisiting users, don't panic. Your Shopping List is still there!

Previously, Shopping List items were free standing or could be attached to Projects/Ideas. "Notions" have only existed as free text entries in Patterns.  The Notions and Shopping List items were separate, with no way to search or collate your Notions. 

Now, you can record all your Notions properly.  You can mark them as "In Stock" or "In Shopping List", or in both, or neither. Keep track of all your Notions, rather than just having a simple Shopping List of stuff you don't have! Notions can be attached to Patterns, Projects and Ideas as well as existing unattached as a simple list. 

You can use Tags, to enable powerful and easy searching. The Notions search box searches through the names, sizes and tags. Never lose track of those Notions again! 

Existing Shopping List items from prior app versions will be automatically  carried forward as "Notions - in shopping list" into the new version of the app. Your Shopping list can now be viewed from the Notions button on the Main Menu.

The previous free text entry notions in Patterns should ideally be replaced with the new Notions. Unfortunately, because of the nature of free text entries, this will have to be updated manually.  Whenever an old version Pattern is edited or added to a new Idea or Project, there will be a prompt highlighting the recommended change. Whilst the app will continue to function just fine without undertaking this change, the full functionality of the new Notions will not be realised. Once edited and new Notions added, the old free text notion entry is no longer accessible.

When selecting a Pattern for a new Idea or Project, the relevant Notions will automatically appear in the Idea/Project Notions field, saving you having to enter them manually.

Similarly, the Garment type(s) of the chosen Pattern will also transfer across and appear automatically in the Idea/Project Garment field. Of course, the Idea/Project fields can easily be edited if required.