Data Entry

During data entry, the save button will be disabled until all mandatory fields have been completed. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*). In the New Fabric example below it is "Name",  "Fabric Type(s)" and "Bought from" that are mandatory.

The default unit of measurements are set  in the Settings page.  You can also select the units  for each individual fabric during data entry and editing. These units are saved with the fabric. Currency units are those from iOS Settings > General > Language & Region > Region

On the detail view screen, tapping on the measurements will enable a quick conversion to be seen. This does NOT alter the saved units of measurement.  It merely lets you see the converted values. Tap the red measurements again, to hide the unit pickers.
Use the Edit screen if you need to permanently change the units of a fabric for some reason.

Pattern Sizes (Max/Min) may be entered as numbers or text.
Number sizes and text sizes of XS, S, M, L, XL and  XXL can be searched for in the custom search function. So if you're not entering a number size, it's best to stick with these suggested standard format text sizes if possible. If you don't, the search function won't find them!

Tags only exist when attached to  a Fabric/Pattern/Idea/Project. So you must add new Tags from the Tag picker in the new/edit screens for Fabrics etc. (see below). When entering new Tags, spaces are not allowed. Tags, once created, can be deleted, edited and merged from the Tags button on the Main Menu. Identification of duplicate Tags is not case sensitive (i.e. 'FatQuarter' is considered to be the same as 'fatquarter').

The Notepad function has a multiline free text entry for you to store any information you like. There is a Template function to help if you repeatedly enter similar text. For example,  you could use the notepad for saving  people's measurements. So you can create a template with the measurement categories e.g. Chest, Waist etc.  So then you can quickly and easily add them to a notepad for each new person, and only have to type in the actual values manually. Template text used will be added to the end of any existing text, not overwrite it.

Alternatively you can store measurements directly in your Contacts Notes field if you choose to do allow the app to access Contacts in Settings.