Fascinating family

‘Fascinating Family’ was created to illustrate the potential health complications caused by diabetes. Some of which include eyesight problems, amputation and heart attack.

Meet Ramesh, Jack and Sharon (left to right)

Ramesh has blue dots representing eyesight problems and headaches. The blue dot door knob opens the panel to reveal potential pancreas problems.

Jack has a blue door knob which when opened reveals problems with his veins not feeding down to his foot and thus putting him at risk of amputation.

Sharon has blue dots representing constant thirst and wanting to go to the loo a lot, especially at night. The blue door knob opens the panel to reveal risk of heart attack.

These figures could be adapted to represent other medical conditions. Christine would be very happy to discuss possibilities.

Concept: Christine Wilcox-Baker; Illustrations: Fabia Fowler

Website: www.axisweb.org/p/christinewilcoxbaker

We are very grateful to The Physiological Society for their grant which enabled us to produce the Family.