
Would you like to collaborate with us? At present there is one position as postdoc and two MSc-projects available.

OPEN POSITION. 2021-04-09

1 year (potentially +2years) Researcher position in modelling Baltic grey seal population dynamics.

The grey seal population in the Baltic Sea, is below historical abundances, despite this, recent declines have been documented in body condition and the population trend is levelling off. The current project will develop a new so called ''population viability model'' for grey seals to estimate how the population depend on breeding ice availability and hunting. The outcome of the project will contribute to the applied conservation of the seals and is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency.

The candidate is expected to relocate to Gothenburg, or alternatively Kristineberg Marine Station and will be employed at Gothenburg University. The candidate will be part of a team with marine mammal ecologist Karin Harding at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Gothenburg University and ecological modelling experts Dr. Willian Silva, Lund University and Dr. Jean-Pierre Desforges, Montreal University, Canada. We also collaborate with scientists at the Swedish Museum of Natural History and marine mammal biologists internationally. Candidates shall have a strong interest in population dynamics and skills in theoretical biology, statistics or mathematical statistics or the equivalent. For questions contact: karin.harding@bioenv.gu.se. Deadline for applications 28th April 2021. Follow this link to apply:



Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences Gothenburg: https://www.gu.se/biologi-miljovetenskap

https://www.gu.se/en/kristineberg Marine Research Station

Homepage with links to the members of the Swedish seal team: https://sites.google.com/view/sealpopulationdynamics/home

The story of the Baltic grey seals and the outline of the DEB model that will be a good starting point for the current project:


A bit about the Swedish harbour seal and its future challenges. Also the outline of a population model that can be further extended:
