Projecting the future of the Baltic grey seal.

Starting spring 2021. Updates will be presented continously at this webpage.

Population viability analysis of the Baltic Grey Seal population

Funded by: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

The grey seal populations in the Baltic Sea are below historical abundances, and at the same time hunting quotas are increased and poor ice winter conditions more common. In the current project we will develop a new so called ''population viability model'' PVA for grey seals to quantify the long term impact on population size from various stressors such as hunting, prey availability and climate. The outcome of the project will contribute to the Baltic Sea Action Plan and to the work for a Good Environmental Status within the HELCOM and ICES frameworks and provide a tool for County Counils (Länstyrelser) for evaluation of different hunting and management strategies, before implementation. The project will collaborate with different stake holders and aims to contribute to a long-term, sustainable management of the Baltic grey seal population.