east county aquatics

water polo

Welcome to San Diego East County Aquatics Water Polo. At ECA, we are committed to building athletes, character, and community. We offer programs all year long for ages 7-18+; from beginner to advance competitive teams. Please browse our website and contact us with any questions or for more information. For easy access, below are the links to register for our new athlete & current session. 

It's never too late to sign up!

10U Team/ 12U Boys Team/ 12U Girls Team/ 14U Boys Team/ 14U Girls Team/ HS Boys Team/ HS Girls Team/ Masters Team

Fall Session registration

August 19th - October 26th, 2024

Fun for Boys & Girls - Ages 7 - 18

Sibling Discounts are offered - See registration form. : )

NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - Just water safe, can swim 50 yards freestyle, & can tread water for a minute or more.

10U Team/ 12U Boys Team/ 12U Girls Team/ 14U Boys Team/ 14U Girls Team/ HS Boys Team/ HS Girls Team/ Masters Team

Opening Soon!


try our 2 Week Trial TODAY!


* We go all year long... Spring, Summer, Fall, & Winter! *

Come try us out for free. Available only to new members.

For practice times and locations, go to Youth or HS School page and select age group.

Questions - email us at eastcountyaquatics@gmail.com

Donate Today

San Diego East County Aquatics (ECA) is a year round non profit water polo program designed to improve athletes' skills of the game while also improving fitness. East County Aquatics accommodates beginners who want to participate in a fun–filled team sport, and experienced athletes who want to develop their skills.  Building athletes, character, and community. Since 2009.

Help us improve ECA with your support. Thank you from all of us here at ECA. 

ECA is a non-profit organization. Our success depends on donations, sponsors, fundraisers, and volunteers.


Join the BAND app by age group for more way to stay in the know.

Email us at eastcountyaquatics@gmail.com for the link.

Follow and tag us on

 Instagram (eastcountyaquatics)

Facebook (@SanDiegoECA)