The ASCE Concrete Canoe Competition is an annual competition for student chapters across the nation. To participate in the canoe races, each team must design and build their own canoe completely out of concrete. Teams spend all year researching and testing mold and mix designs for optimal strength, weight, and cost. When the mix and the mold has been completed, students are ready to cast the canoe. At this point, the students must prepare to race the canoe on Regional Competition Day. First place winners in the Regional Competition Day have a chance at competing in the National Competition. The general requirements of the competition can be found below.


The rules of the competition change every year and are traditionally released in early September! Find them here:


Each team must provide a project proposal that details their approach of meeting the requirements of the RFP. The proposal must include details of the design and construction of the concrete canoe, as well as important testing results, project management data, innovations and sustainability of the design. An addendum containing the team's Material Technical Data Sheets must also supplement the Project Proposal. 

2022 Project Proposal Cover Page


Teams have the ability to present in a 5-minute long presentation followed by a 7-minute question and answer period. The presentation focuses on the primary aspects of the design, construction and technical capabilities of the canoe. The captains must convince the panel of judges to select their canoe design for manufacturing purposes as if they were presenting a bid similar to real, industry proposals.

2023 Presentation Title Slide


Teams have the opportunity to showcase their canoe on display. A project display, like in the image on the left, is a useful addition to show the processes and materials that were used in the construction of the canoe. A cross-section of the canoe is also required in the display, as well as any information that the teams may find useful in conveying the strengths of their project proposal. 

2018 Prototype Showcase Board


Each team has the ability to demonstrate their racing capabilities and their prototype's performance in a total of 5 types of races. The races focuses on the canoe's straight-line speed (sprint) and turning capabilities under various loading conditions (slalom). 

2-Person Male Slalom Race
4-Person Co-Ed Sprint Race

Previous canoes

2023 - ORION

2nd - Project Proposal

3rd - Technical Presentation

Orion was our first canoe cast since the COVID-19 pandemic! Unfortunately, it cracked during demolding, days before the competition. However, we still showed up to competition with high spirits and participated in everything we could without the actual canoe!


The 2022 team redesigned the hull of the canoe and created an incredibly strong mix design. Unfortunately, we were unable to construct a canoe in time for competition. Instead, we painted the 2020 canoe as a social event!


In 2021, the concrete canoe captains were unable to create a full sized canoe due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, we created a mini model for the virtual symposium that replicates what a full-sized canoe would look like!

2020 - S.S. Indeterminate

2019 - Wolf Slayer

2018 - THE LUPA

2017 - Fenrir

2016 - the phoenix