Minor Projects


Em6502 is an emulator for the MOS-6502 processor in C++. It will feature an interactive terminal-based display using the C++ ncurses library.


This project involved the development of a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) enabled UART slave in Verilog. A CRC simulator was also developed in C++ in order to verify the outputs of the RTL simulation. 

Game of Life

It is an interactive, terminal-based version of the popular Conway's game of life. It supports importing/exporting objects, adjusting simulation speed and editing objects live.


Enigma machine emulator written in python 3.8

8-Bit CPU

An 8-bit cpu simulated on Logisim. It is based on the SAP design as mentioned in the book "Digital computer electronics" by Albert P. Malvino".


Implementation of the Pong Game in C++ using SFML library


Implementation of the Snake Game in C++ using SFML library


Basic Genetic Algorithm Implementation in python

Random Binary Networks

A Simple Implementation of Random Binary Networks in C++


a header-only library to implement basic command line interpreters in C++.


A terminal-based VCD waveform viewer

Checkout my github profile for a more comprehensive list.