Maya Web Lesson

Objectives of the Lesson  

Students will use the Internet to obtain an overview of the following information:

Las preguntas  (How to complete this assignment)

Answer the questions below, in English, based on information you gather from the Web sites that are linked in this lesson.  Be sure to answer in your own words, giving as much detail as possible.  This assignment does not need to be in composition format.  It is fine to answer each numbered question with your findings.  Question #9 is very important and should contain some thought-provoking comments related to your opinions and questions about the Maya.  If any of the links are not active, just skip them and move on to the next sections.  

Who were/are the Mayas?

There is a plethora of books and publications on the subject.   After completing this lesson, you may want to learn more!  Start planning your next trip. 

The Maya civilization can be classified in three major time periods:

Mesoamerica is an area that encompasses most of Mexico, all of Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and part of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.  Maya civilization developed over centuries throughout Mesoamerica.  Major Maya sites can be found in southern Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula; Guatemala (both in the highlands and lowland jungle); and in the north of Honduras and El Salvador. 

The Maya of today still live throughout Mesoamerica.  There are approximately seven and a half million Maya and they can certainly be considered survivors.  Since the arrival/invasion of the Spaniards to the New World in the 16th century, the Mayas have struggled to preserve their culture, language, religion, and heritage. 

Who are the Maya of today?

Maps & Overview  

Click on the links below to view some maps of the Maya world and read a overview of the Mayas.

After reviewing the maps and content from the pages above, answer questions 1-5.   

Much of this information is available on the first link above:  Map 1.

What is a cenote?

How was water used by the Maya?

Maya Calendar

A brief description the calendar system used by the Mayas

Check this video out. 

6. Describe the Maya calendar system.  Name some of the days and months.  What prophecy was said to be completed in December 2012? Did it come true?

Do you want to know what your birthday means according to the Maya calendar? Click here to find your nahual. 

Maya or Mayan?   Mayan Languages & Vocabulary

Take a look at some Mayan vocabulary and uses of the languages.

7. How many different Mayan languages are spoken today?  Name a few. 

Maya Textiles

The Mayas are known for the variety of textiles used in their clothing.  Visit this site from Arte Maya about textiles

8. What is the typical dress for women and men?  Use the Spanish vocabulary when possible.  Visit some of these links from the Arte Maya site, Maya Textiles.  Then write a short paragraph about the different types of dress and textiles based on what you learned from these pages.

9. In conclusion, what is your opinion of the Maya culture?  What was the most interesting part of this lesson to you?  Would you like to visit some of the Maya ruins?  Which ones?  Why?  

This question is should be answered with thought-provoking answers and comments.  Give examples to backup your opinions.      


Links to Maya Culture   

Chichen Itza (one of the 7 wonders of the world)

The Maya Today

Lost King of the Maya

Map of Maya World

Tour of Tikal

Maya Culture

Maya Ruins

Map, América Central

Online Bibliography of Resources

Handbook to Life in the Ancient Maya World, by Linda Foster

Maya Vase Data Base, Kerr Collections

Map of Maya Area, FAMSI

