
CADC Home page:

NED: NASA Extragalatic Database

International Astronomy Meetings

ESO: User Portal

ESO: Exposure time calculator

ESO: Telescope schedule

ESO: Observing tools

GALEX: Observer guide


HYPERLEDA: An extensive database for nearby galaxies

ADS: Astrophysics Data System

Astrobetter: Tips for astronomer 

MATLAB: File exchange 

Calendar: Nepali patro

Yonsei University: map

SDSSDR8: Information page

SDSSDR10: Mosaic and spectra

SDSS: Casjob

MegaCam: Groups of MegaCam images

NGVS: Graphical tool

MAST: Space telescope data center

CDS: Astronomical catalog center

GEMINI: Exposure time calculator

VIZIER: Astronomical catalog service

WOLFRAM: Mathmatical calculation

METEO: South Asia

UlySS: University of Lyon Spectroscopic analysis Software

Macport: Install Linux software on Mac