
Ongoing Observing Proposal

Observed proposals:

35_32 GMRT HI mapping of LMC-SMC-MW analog has been successfully submitted

33_90 GMRT Origin of star-formation in early-type dwarf galaxies: gas-accretion or rejuvenation 

32_023 GMRT: Formation of Tidal Dwarf Galaxies (TDG) during dwarf-dwarf merger

GN-2016B-Q-53, Gemini North: Origin of Isolated Compact Elliptical Galaxy Hosting an Active Nucleus 

16A-074, VLA:  Gas Properties of a Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy Triggered by Dwarf-Dwarf Merging

GN-2015B-Q-65, Gemini North: As CoI, Dark matter content of TDGs – kinematics of Arp 202 TDG 

SW2014a02, WHT: An isolated compact elliptical galaxy with diffuse extension: merger origin? 

GN-2014A-Q-50, Gemini North:  Unveiling the kinematics of the giant loop around the spiral galaxy NGC4216: a laboratory to investigate satellite accretion and the dark matter profile?

093.B-0906, ESO-VLT, As PI, Kinematics of disrupted dwarf galaxies in the nearby universe PI: S. Paudel

092.B-0744(D), ESO-VST, As Co-I, FOCUS: the FOrnax Cluster Ultra-deep Survey PI: R. Peletier

087.B-0841, ESO-VLT, As PI, Cluster, group and isolated early-type dwarfs: Linking formation paths to stellar population characteristics

085.B-0971, ESO-VLT, As Co-I, Unraveling generations of dwarf ellipticals, the cluster-dominating galaxy popu- lation

Observing experiences:

23-30, Jan 2017, Gemini North Telescope, Big island Hawaii, USA IFU observation of compact galaxies

13-23 April 2010, ESO - VLT Paranal, Chile: FORS2 spectroscopy  of early-type dwarf galaxies

17-25 March 2011, NOT La Palma, Spain:  NOTCam Near Infra-Red imaging of early-type dwarf galaxies