

X-Astro: Research group of Dr. Thorsten Likser where I did my PhD research.

MATLAS: A large program which aims to understand the galaxy assembly processes using the deep images taken from CFHT-MegaCam instrument. PI: Pierre-Alain Duc.

SMAKCED: A program to perform detailed analysis of structural and stellar population properties and internal kinematics of a magnitude limited sample of early-type dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster.

NGVS: Next generation Virgo cluster survey, which perform an extremely deep imaging of the Virgo cluster in five optical bands (u, g, r, i and z). Virgo cluster is the nearest largest concentration of galaxies, which provides an unprecedented deep view of Virgo cluster covering 104 sq.deg of northen sky. It uses the state-of-art technologies in both front data accessing and reduction to detect extremely faint, as faint as 29 mag-arc/sec2, objects in the sky. 


Prof. Pierre-Alain Duc

CEA Saclay, Paris

Research: Tidal dwarf galaxies, Interacting galaxies

Dr. Michael Hilker

European Southern Observatory, Munich

Research: Compact galaxies, Ultra compact galaxies

Dr. Harald Kuntschner

European Southern Observatory, Munich

Research: Stellar population properties of early-type galaxies