Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision

Pattern Recognition

  • PRTools : a Matlab toolbox for pattern recognition
  • STPRTool : Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox

Computer Vision

  • OpenCV : an open source computer vision and machine learning software library
    • JavaCV : Java interface to OpenCV and more
    • OpenCVDotNet : .NET Framework Wrapper for Intel's OpenCV Package
  • VXL : the Vision-something-Libraries, a collection of C++ libraries designed for computer vision research and implementation
  • IVT : the Integrating Vision Toolkit, a stand-alone easy-to-use, platform-independent open source C++ computer vision library with an object-oriented architecture
  • ccv : C-based/Cached/Core Computer Vision Library, a Modern Computer Vision Library
  • VIGRA : Vision with Generic Algorithms, Generic Programming for Computer Vision, an image processing and analysis library that puts its main emphasis on customizable algorithms and data structures
  • BoofCV : an open source Java library for real-time computer vision and robotics applications
  • Darwin : a framework for machine learning and computer vision research and development
  • RAVL : Recognition And Vision Library, a base C++ class library together with a range of computer vision, pattern recognition, audio and supporting tools

Feature Analysis

Shape Analysis

  • DeMoLib : the Deformable Model Library
  • StatISMo : Statistical Image and Shape Models

Object Detection and Localization

  • LibPaBOD : a LIBrary for PArt-Based Object Detection in C++
  • OLT Toolkit : INRIA Object Detection and Localization Toolkit

Background Subtraction