Intelligent and Autonomous Robotics

Robot Grand Challenge 2009 in Korea

AMIGO, Intelligent Mobile Robot, Autonomous Ground Vehicle (AGV)

  • Main Purposes

To overcome difficult subjects of intelligent robot.

To promote intelligent robot services in Korea.

To implement a robot with the 5-year knowledge of a child.

  • Task Scenarios

Global localization in the given 1st floor map

Be able to navigate to an information clerk

Face detection and speech recognition

Be able to navigate to the elevator with obstacle avoidance

Find the elevator outside-button, while controlling the manipulator to push the button

Enter the elevator and find the inside-button to push the recognized floor button

Get off the elevator to the correct floor and find the recognized room number with SLAM

Enter the room and find the information clerk

Find the recognized object on the desk in front of information clerk and carrying it

Turn back to the first position within 30 minutes

  • Main Functions for Required Tasks

Localization, path planning, obstacle avoidance

Face recognition, voice recognition, elevator recognition, button recognition, object recognition, text recognition

Manipulator control

  • H/W System Configuration
  • S/W System

S/W Architecture

State Transition of Main Module

  • Video Clip of Robot Grand Challenge 2009