The Scarecrow


Village of Smiles

Castle of Storms

Ziggurat of Dust

Crypt of Dead Gods

The Still Palace

NPC Type


Limited Availability



  • This NPC is the mouthpiece for the true antagonist of the game.

  • Missing dialogue with The Scarecrow will lock the player into the Salvation ending.

^ The Scarecrow's final location will allow the player to choose their ending, assuming they have met with the Scarecrow at all other locations.

^ Choosing the Dominion ending will grant the player the Overlord's Armor Set in NG+.


When the player speaks with the NPC at the Village of Smiles:

^ Curiosity.

^ What creature persists in the face of such suffocating despair?

^ The others have begun to kneel.

^ Will it join them?

  • If the player answers "Yes":

^ No...

^ Words are nothing without fear.

^ I see in it a shred of courage, and this offends Me.

^ In time, it will kneel.

^ And when it kneels, it will kneel not in acquiescence, but in the darkest despair it will ever know.

  • If the player answers "No":

^ Such a brave, foolish curiosity.

^ It will struggle then. And it will bleed. And it will fall.

^ And one day, when it finds itself beaten and broken, gasping for air, choking on its own blood and tears...

^ ...that will be the day that it kneels.

^ And I will consume it.

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Castle of Storms:

^ It persists.

^ Does it wish to know Me?

  • If the player answers "Yes":

^ While they scurry to and fro, I am.

^ While they cherish their petty deities, idols, and false lords, I am.

^ While they fight their trivial wars, live and die for mortal kings and scoundrels, I am.

^ All priests of false gods kneel to Me.

^ All kings of empires great and small kneel to Me.

^ Life kneels to Me.

^ Death kneels to Me.

  • If the player answers "No":

^ It will know me in time.

^ It sees before it a mere vessel, yet it hears My true voice.

^ In time, it will see Me.

^ It will shut its eyes and cover its ears, yet it will see Me, and it will hear Me.

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Ziggurat of Dust:

^ Does it know what I have done?

  • If the player answers "Yes":

^ It thinks it knows? Amusing.

^ I take the things I desire.

^ I have taken so many things from so many people.

^ Souls like scraps, bound in dying flesh: I claim them.

^ Kingdoms of dust and lies, petty princes, corrupt lords: I claim them.

  • If the player answers "No":

^ I take the things I desire.

^ I have taken so many things from so many people.

^ Souls like scraps, bound in dying flesh: I claim them.

^ Kingdoms of dust and lies, petty princes, corrupt lords: I claim them.

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Crypt of Dead Gods:

^ It persists and persists, but for what?

^ Survival or dominion?

^ It can flee and survive.

^ Or it can remain and claim rule.

^ It will find both of these feats impossible.

^ What does it strive for then: survival, or dominion?

  • If the player answers "Survival":

^ This island is My domain.

^ Those who wish to flee must earn their escape.

^ This is impossible. It will discover this.

^ What stands before it is a puppet. The puppet is My voice.

^ Find Me...

  • If the player answers "Dominion":

^ This island is My domain.

^ I rule this island, and from this island, I rule all man.

^ Is My power the true object of its desire?

^ Strive...

^ My power is Mine alone. It will not claim it.

^ What stands before it is a puppet. The puppet is My voice.

^ Find Me...

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at The Still Palace:

^ ...