The Mad Jester


Sunken Keep

Red Hall of Cages

NPC Type


Limited Availability



  • This NPC grants the player the Vertigo Brand.

  • This NPC is also referenced to by those of The House of Splendor Creed as one of their primary inspirations and founders.


  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Sunken Keep:

^ Greetings, friend, you've come to chatter? From where I sit, you seem the madder! Fork, spoon, knife, and a drowned man's wife.

^ Where I come from in is out, down is up and up is down! Plate, cup, bowl, and a broken widow's soul.

^ Would you like this rich perspective? Trust me lord, it's quite authentic! Elbow, jaw, knee, and a grave beneath the sea.

  • If the player answers "Yes":

^ Fear not, then, extend your hand. There is great power in a brand. White, searing, hot, and an iron-forged thought.

  • If the player answers "No":

^ What a tragic limitation! You'll miss my cooperation. Mock, mocked, mocking, and a dead man's stocking.

  • If the player speaks to the NPC again:

^ Seek and find the hallowed stones. What comes next? I trust you'll know. Fate, faith, fade, and the calm beneath the shade.

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Red Hall of Cages:

^ Look at us, we walk the ceilings! Steady on, our heads are reeling! Roof, wall, floor and an upside-down door.

^ Dragons high and dungeons low, find the voice that scares the crows. Deep, black hell, and the darkness that there dwells.

^ Island full of wicked things, shattered lands and broken kings. Ruled, ruler, rule, heed the wisdom of the fool.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ Look at this, a sword for sale. Cooperate, you shall not fail. Leather, mail, shield, and a sword's what you shall wield.