The Cat King


Developer Island

NPC Type


Limited Availability



  • This NPC is hidden on the Developer Island and can only be accessed through movement glitches.

  • The Cat King is from a Salt and Sanctuary fairy tale.

^ In this tale, a stray cat is found by a multitude of people, who all either die or do wrong by the cat.

^ It is then implied that the cat eats/kills them, taking over their land and possessions until the next person comes along.

^ The cat eventually finds its way to a king - and replaces him, becoming the Cat King.

  • This story can be found in-game in the Tree of Skill, much like the other lore of the game.

^ For a completed version of the story, please see Asuko_XIII's Drowned Tome in Additional Resources.

  • The Cat King was originally going to be the leader of a Creed - the Altar of Bones.

^ This Creed did not make it into the final version of the game, and can only be found in the Debug Menu.


  • When the player speaks with the NPC:

^ Mewello!

^ What's your wish?