Masterless Knight


The Festering Banquet

Castle of Storms

Red Hall of Cages

Hager's Cavern

The Ruined Temple


NPC Type


Limited Availability



  • This NPC gives the player recommendations as to which direction to go next.

  • This NPC also gives some lore about the nature of the Nameless Island.

  • This NPC gives the player a King's Orders for completing his questline.

  • Completing this questline will also grant the player the achievement "Wise Words."

  • Failing to meet this NPC at each location prior to defeating that area's boss will cause the NPC to disappear until the next game cycle.

^ The Festering Banquet is an exception to this rule

Dialogue (The Festering Banquet)

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at The Festering Banquet:

^ Greetings, traveler.

^ Do you have a quest?

  • If the player answers "Yes" to "Do you have a quest?":

^ Rescuing a princess, mmm?

^ I haven't seen any princesses, but don't lose hope, friend.

^ Anyway, it's good to have a quest. Would you like to know what my quest is?

  • If the player answers "No" to "Do you have a quest?":

^ That's unfortunate. Everyone needs a quest. Would you like to know about my quest?

  • If the player answers "No":

^ Excellent! My- oh. Very well. Be on your way.

  • If the player answers "Yes":

^ Excellent!

^ My quest is to invade that castle to the East, defeat its guardians, and slay the dragon.

^ Castles must be invaded and dragons must be slain, mustn't they?

^ Getting into this castle is a different story. There's a bridge to it, but it's missing bits.

^ There's another way in, but its' not easy. I saw a passage beneath the fortress you just emerged from, perhaps it leads through to a village of sorts.

^ There was a shortcut that connected the beach to the village, but it's been barred. Perhaps you can unlock it?

^ I've heard something about a jester. The jester knows a way to get to places no one else can?

^ It's easy to claim something. Until you can actually back your claims up, you're just a rumormonger.

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Castle of Storms:

^ You made it!

^ Look at this view. Stunning, isn't it?

^ I've heard there's a thief somewhere with what sounded like a particularly useful rune.

^ There's also that pesky dragon. Needs to be slain.

^ Do you ever wonder where these buildings came from?

^ Who built this castle? Does it have a master?

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Red Hall of Cages:

^ You slayed the dragon, and I wasn't even there to help.

^ Sorry.

^ I suppose I need a new quest then. Very well: the Ziggurat!

^ Or should I head to the dungeon below the castle?

^ My heart wants whatever lies in the Ziggurat, but before it lies that wretched thing...

^ The Dome of the Forgotten: a hollow place wretched with echoes of suffering and misery and pain and...

^ Well...

^ Hm...

^ Perhaps I should head through the dungeon. As foreboding as it seems, I know it's less terrible than that cursed Dome.

^ Whenever you're scared and alone, remember that you are your own hero.

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at Hager's Cavern:

^ The Red Hall of Cages should not be here. It should be in Askaria.

^ It's an infamous dungeon there, well known for its legacy of blood and misery.

^ So why is it here?

^ Even...that castle we were just in. Did it not remind you of Cloudencasse in Kulka'as?

^ I've never seen it in person, actually, but I know enough about it to know that that castle did not belong here.

^ Cloudencasse... the Red Hall... these are near-perfect replicas, all together here.

^ Is this the work of some mad architect?

^ I wonder what this cave holds.

^ Excuses are the lies we tell everyone we know... including ourselves.

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at The Ruined Temple:

^ I met a simple woman from Kulka'as here. She wanted to know what the point of it all was.

^ How could she not know? It's the simple truth: we must quest.

^ We must explore, we must discover, we must succeed, we must survive.

^ She was devoured by beasts.

^ Did you know that I've been questing since my 13th year?

^ Slaying brigands and scoundrels, exploring uncharted caves... never does my heart feel at peace quite so much as when I'm on an adventure.

^ I think I'll venture into the woods next.

^ It's pitch dark and full of strange creatures and grisly corpses, but, my friend, you should do well to know that I thrive in the face of danger!

^ Sometimes the best thing to do is simply to listen.

  • When the player speaks with the NPC at the Pitchwoods:

^ Here we are: the end of the island.

^ It's dark as pitch here, and this road ends in black water.

^ One quest ends, but a dozen more take its place.

^ In my questing, I found this... writ. Looks important, but then I've never been good with writing...

^ It's yours, my friend.

^ (Player receives a King's Orders)

^ Despair is nothing more than a forfeiture of privilege.

  • If a summoned player speaks to the NPC:

^ Someone's put quite a bit of faith in you.

^ It's a lot of responsibility... but I think that faith is well placed.